Strength is often associated with an animal’s size and its potential to harm humans. However, an animal’s true strength is relative to its body size. You might be surprised by some of the animals on this list, but the key message is that size matters but in a relative sense.
An animal’s shape or size doesn’t determine strength; it’s about ratios. In simpler terms, it’s about how much weight an animal can lift relative to its size. Now, let’s explore the top 10 strongest animals in the world!

Hippos are the third-largest mammals globally, after elephants and white rhinos. They weigh between 1.4 and 5 tons, and despite their size, they can move at speeds of up to 30 mph (50 km/h). In the wild, hippos live around 50 years and thrive in semi-aquatic environments, including wetlands, rivers, and swamps. They can hold their breath for up to 5 minutes, earning them the nickname “river horse.” Their impressive ability to swiftly move their massive bodies in water and on land makes them the strongest animals.

Eagles are large birds of prey known for their keen eyesight and impressive hunting skills. They are found in Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, the Americas, and North America. With wingspans of up to 1.8 meters, eagles belong to the raptor family and primarily feed on large vertebrates, which they can spot from up to 2 miles away—some, like the Harpy eagle, even prey on monkeys, sloths, and coatis. Eagles have been known to carry prey weighing up to 6.8 kg, sometimes 7-8 times their own weight, using their sharp beaks and powerful talons for hunting.

Anacondas belong to the boa constrictor family, with four species: green anacondas, yellow anacondas, Bolivian anacondas, and dark-spotted anacondas. The largest and most famous is the green anaconda, found in South America. Since they lack venom, they can weigh up to 200 pounds and rely on constriction to subdue their prey. This strength places anacondas among the top 10 strongest animals in the world.

Crocodiles, well-known for their strength, have the most substantial bite of any animal, reaching 3,700 psi. They inhabit various regions worldwide, including the Americas, Australia, Africa, and Asia. These reptiles can grow up to 23 ft (7m) long, weigh up to 2,600 lb (1,200kg), and live up to 75 years. Their immense size and powerful bite make them one of the top 10 strongest animals globally.
Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears, a North American brown bear subspecies, are known for their sturdy build, large heads, round ears, and long claws. They can be identified by the hump on their backs, which distinguishes them from black bears. This hump is a powerful muscle used for digging dens and searching for food.
During the winter, grizzlies enter a state called torpor, similar to hibernation. While they bunk down for the winter, they remain easily awakened by noises and touches.

Oxen, also known as bullocks, are domesticated male cattle used as draught or work animals. They are castrated to reduce aggression and testosterone production, making them more docile for work. Oxen have been used for various tasks, including plowing, pulling carts, and powering machinery, since around 4000 BC. They rank sixth on the list of the world’s strongest animals.

Tigers, the world’s largest and most famous big cats, are among the top 10 strongest animals. They can grow up to 3.3 meters in length and weigh as much as 670 pounds. While there were once ten tiger species, three have gone extinct in the 20th century, largely due to hunting for trophies and medicinal purposes. The remaining tiger species are endangered but are protected. The Bengal Tiger, found in India, is the most well-known and constitutes over half of the wild tiger population. The largest tiger species is the Siberian tiger, known for its elusiveness and swimming abilities.
Leafcutter Ant

Leafcutter ants, known for cutting and carrying foliage to their colonies to feed an underground fungus farm, have an exoskeleton coated in calcite rich in magnesium, which can grind limestone. This unique feature not only adds strength but also protects them from fungal infections. These ants can lift 50 times their weight, making them remarkable insects.
Rhinoceros Beetle

The rhinoceros beetle, one of the world’s strongest animals, can lift 850 times its weight. Their hollow horns, made of lightweight chitin like the rest of their exoskeleton, are used for digging and during mating rituals. Male rhino beetles are the only ones with horns, and they are sometimes called Hercules beetles due to their immense strength. These beetles grow up to 6 inches in size.
Dung Beetle

The dung beetle, the world’s strongest animal, can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They have three categories: rollers, tunnellers, and dwellers. The horned dung beetle, the strongest species, is only 10mm long and can lift 1141 times its weight. Rollers in this species can pull dung balls 1141 times heavier than themselves.