Competitive eating is a topic that simultaneously piques curiosity, fascination, and revulsion. It’s a bit like a car crash – something we may not want to witness or discuss, but we can’t resist the urge to know more.
That’s why Amica International decided to delve into the details of some of the most extreme record-breaking food challenges they could discover.
Don Lerman – 28 Ounces of Butter in 5 Minutes

Yes, that’s right, 28 ounces of butter in just 5 minutes – as heavy as two footballs! Don “Moses” Lerman from New York, known for his competitive eating, has achieved various records over the past decade, including eating 6 pounds of baked beans in under 2 minutes and devouring 11 burgers in 10 minutes. However, his most peculiar record is consuming 28 ounces of salted butter in 5 minutes. Many have tried to beat his challenges, but Don firmly holds this record.
Ken Edwards – 36 Live Cockroaches in 60 Seconds

Ever thought about eating live cockroaches, let alone 36 of them in a minute? Well, Ken Edwards from the UK did in 2001! He took on the challenge and devoured 36 Madagascan cockroaches in 60 seconds – no room for hesitation there! These roaches can grow up to 3 inches long, and Ken ate them while they were still alive. This didn’t sit well with animal activists like PETA, who criticized Six Flags theme parks in 2006 for promoting a free VIP season pass to anyone who could beat Ken’s record. Despite the controversy, Ken still holds the record for eating 36 live cockroaches in a minute.
Takeru Kobayashi – 57 Cow Brains in 15 Minutes

Food challenges are getting more popular, but the early 2000s had some really odd ones. In 2002, Takeru Kobayashi, a competitive eater from Japan, ate a record-breaking 57 cow brains in just 15 minutes. These brains weighed a whopping 18 pounds, which is over 8 kilograms! Even though cow brains are nutritious, sometimes “less is more.” Known as “The Tsunami” in the food challenge world, Takeru Kobayashi holds eight international records. He’s eaten 106 tacos in 10 minutes, devoured 14 Twinkies in 1 minute, and aced two separate hot dog challenges. Clearly, Kobayashi has a gigantic appetite!
Joey Chestnut – 74 Hotdogs in 10 Minutes

Coney Island in New York is famous for its hot dogs, and it hosts the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. In 2018, Joey Chestnut went to Nathan’s to break his own record by eating 74 hot dogs and buns in just 10 minutes. Joey has set 11 records at Nathan’s alone, and he’s also known for other eating contests, like eating 141 boiled eggs in 8 minutes and consuming 4.5 pounds of steak and sides in under 9 minutes. Joey’s eating skills are truly remarkable!
Gideon Oji – 408oz of Kale in 8 Minutes

In 2016, Gideon Oji won a kale-eating contest called “Kale Yeah.” This contest was part of the World’s Healthiest Eating Championship, and it’s definitely healthier than eating hot dogs, cow brains, or cockroaches. You might think eating kale is easy, but consider this: Gideon ate a whopping 408 ounces of raw kale in just 8 minutes. That’s about 11.5 kilograms! The kale had no dressing, making it a tough challenge. In 2017, Gideon tried to beat his record but didn’t succeed. However, he still holds the record for eating the most kale in 8 minutes!
Oleg Zhornitskiy – 128 Ounces of Mayonnaise in 8 Minutes

We cringed just thinking about this contest. Can you believe someone ate 128 ounces of mayo? Well, Oleg Zhornitskiy from Ukraine did just that in 2017. That’s as heavy as 80 golf balls! Surprisingly, even though some have tried, no one has come close to breaking his record in this mayo-eating competition. Part of us hopes this contest fades away quickly, but the other part is curious to see Oleg devour that much mayo. Is that weird?
Alex Williams – 5ft of Stinging Nettles in 1 Minute

When we said Guinness World Records cover everything, we meant everything! Alex Williams from Dorset, UK, appeared on TV at the World Nettle Eating Championships and ate 5 feet of nettles in 1 minute. We know it sounds strange, but it’s true! In 1997, during a pub discussion, Alex made a challenge. He said if anyone found a nettle longer than 15 feet and 6 inches (quite specific!), he would eat it. Unfortunately, someone found a 16-foot nettle, and Alex kept his word by eating it. While nettles have health benefits, we can only imagine how his mouth felt after that. Anyone up for some nettle soup?
Matt Stonie – 255 Peeps in 5 Minutes

Back in 2017, Matt Stone ate 255 Peeps in just 5 minutes, breaking his record from 2016 when he ate only 200 of these little sugary marshmallow rabbits. If you’re not familiar with Peeps, they are small, sweet marshmallow treats people often eat during Easter. They are very sweet and full of sugar and additives. It’s hard to imagine how he managed to eat so many – it’s about 7,140 calories of pure sugar! Not only would they make most people feel very sick (we think we could only eat 2 or 3 before feeling unwell), but he must have had an enormous sugar rush. It’s safe to say that these little sweets are not for the faint-hearted!
Kelvin Medina – 12 Inch Pizza in 23 Seconds

Eating a 12-inch pizza isn’t usually a big deal, right? But what if I told you that Kelvin Medina from the Philippines did it in just 23 seconds? That’s impressive! In 2015, Kelvin set out to break the world record for the fastest consumption of a 12-inch pizza, and he succeeded. He beat the previous record by a whopping 15 seconds. Not only did he finish the pizza in an impressive 23.62 seconds, but he did it using only a knife and fork, no hands! This competition had knock-out rounds where contestants raced to eat food as fast as possible until only two remained. Kelvin won but by only 0.4 seconds. Yes, there’s another speedy pizza eater out there. Fortunately, Kelvin’s record still holds… for now.