Dealing with acne can have a detrimental effect on your self-esteem. As a matter of fact, acne can affect more than just your skin. It can also have an impact on your interpersonal relationships. For some people, this is nothing more but a common skin condition. But for others, acne can become a real problem when it dictates how they feel. No one knows this better than Reddit user, u/throwawayacne1234, who recently deleted her account after her post went viral.
The young woman took to Reddit to tell the story of how a man she was dating broke up with her after he realized she’d been covering her acne with makeup. But when he accused her of “catfishing” him the entire time, she was left feeling really confused. So she posted her experience on the subreddit, AITA, (Am I The As***e) which is often used by people to ask strangers if they’re the a-hole in a particular situation. Needless to say, people were dumbfounded.
Hormonal Acne

Reddit user, u/throwawayacne1234 suffers from hormonal acne, which makes her prone to breakouts on her cheeks and chin. No one knows how tough it is to deal with this skin condition like she does. But fortunately for her, she never let it affect her self-esteem. That is until she went on a couple of dates with a special someone.
New Fling

After going on about six dates with a 20-year-old man, the young woman explains that her friends and her potential love interest decided to go on a weekend getaway trip. She said, “’I’m 20 years old. Me and that guy (also 20) have been on 6 dates before the incident and everything was going well before that. My acne is caused by my hormonal issues.” She added, “I don’t have breakouts on my forehead or anywhere else on my body.”
Going Viral

The 20-year-old woman’s post garnered over 2,000 comments in no time, and they all seemed to be pretty taken aback by the way the guy reacted. The woman revealed she started dating him a few weeks ago, and everything seemed to be going well. Every time they went on a date, she made sure to cover her skin with makeup, as her breakouts were quite visible and it helped her feel more confident. “’I usually cover up my acne with make-up – however, that’s the only thing I do on my face make-up wise, so I don’t look like a completely different person when I’m make-up less.”
Backpacking Date Trip

The woman decided to go on their backpacking trip without a stitch of makeup, and understandably so. Putting it on and taking it off at night would be a total hassle! Coincidentally, this would be the first time her date would see her without makeup. “At first, he didn’t say anything, just looked at me a bit weird,” she explained on her post. But things didn’t end there. Her date started acting a bit distant, almost as if he was uncomfortable about something. Finally, things got so unbearable that the woman asked him point blank if there was a reason why he was acting so strange.
He Ditched Her

Once the trip was over, she mustered up the courage to ask her potential new flame if anything was bothering him. “When we got home that night, he said that it would be for the best to stop seeing each other because he doesn’t like me anymore. As the very last thing he said that I shouldn’t lead people on like that,” she explained. His true colors were finally revealed, and at first, she felt like she dodged a bullet. But the young woman couldn’t shake the feeling that she may have been in the wrong. So, she decided to share a few pics that showed her face with and without makeup and let Redditors assess if she was indeed the a-hole in this situation or not.
Catfishing Accusations

After he brutally decided to dump her, the young woman was still haunted by his accusations that she was “catfishing” people by covering her acne with makeup. Needless to say, it made Redditors’ blood boil. “You’re definitely not catfishing anyone by wearing make-up. I mean acne isn’t a huge deal for normal people, potential boyfriend sounds like a really shallow guy to break up over something like that,” one commenter added. The young woman went on to reveal that apparently, her ex bae had a pattern of ditching women over the silliest of things. At one point, he even broke up with a girl when she decided to change her hairstyle. She explained, “I asked mutuals about that guy and apparently he broke up with his ex because she cut her hair short. Just thought you might be interested in knowing. So yeah, definitely dodged a bullet”. We couldn’t agree more!
I am Camila – Serial tea drinker. Professional wig snatcher. Content creator and video script writer who may or may not be John Leguizamo’s body double. If you don’t like where you are, move. You’re not a tree.